Vivek Agnihotri’s magnum opus The Kashmir Files was released in the theatres earlier this year. While other films from the industry proved to be a box-office dud, Kashmir Files came through with flying colours after garnering commercial success. Although the film received mixed reviews from the critics, it still managed to mint Rs 246 crore nett due to phenomenal response. As the film was recently screened at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Anupam Kher, who was hailed for his performance, gave a moving speech at the event.
On Wednesday, Anupam Kher took to his Instagram handle to share the video of the same along with the caption, “Great to be at 53rd edition of @IFFIGoa representing #TheKashmirFiles. In the last 38 years that I have attended this festival, celebrating world cinema, it has come a long way. Congratulations to everybody for the spectacular organisational display of hard work and talent.”
Great to be at 53rd edition of @IFFIGoa representing #TheKashmirFiles. In the last 38 years that I have attended this festival, celebrating world cinema, it has come a long way. Congratulations to everybody for the spectacular organisational display of hard work and talent. 👍👏 pic.twitter.com/L6xUul0yxZ— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) November 22, 2022
In his speech, the Uunchai actor can be seen saying, “The film, I would say, is a feeling for me and is really close to my heart. The truth that we have tried to show through the film, was hidden for 32 years, which showed thousands being killed in a day. It is a story about the genocide of Kashmiri Hindus and pandits. Everybody knows about it but there was just one person, Vivek Agnihotri, who thought of making a film out of it.”
The story of Kashmir Files was centred around the 1990s exodus of Kashmiri Pandits and it portrayed scenes and events leading up to an alleged genocide. Within the first week of its release, the film struck a chord with the audience. Eventually, it became the highest grossing Hindi film of 2022. The film featured Anupam Kher, Mithun Chakraborty and Darshan Kumar in prominent roles.