New Delhi: Hollywood star Chris Hemsworth, on Monday, unveiled the official teaser trailer of his upcoming action film `Extraction 2`. Taking to Instagram, Chris dropped the trailer which he captioned, “You only get one shot at a second chance. EXTRACTION 2 debuts globally June 16, only on @Netflix. #TylerRakeLives.”
In the trailer, the `Avengers` actor shared a glimpse of a single-take-action sequence in which he could be seen fighting with the goons. Soon after the `Thor` actor shared the trailer of `Extraction 2` fans flooded the comment section with red heart and fire emoticons.
“Here comes the mighty Thor,” a fan commented. Another fan wrote, “Wooow wooow y mas wooow.” “This looks so dope! I`m counting down the days,” a user wrote. “Finally The Wait Is Over This Movie Will Be Insane,” a user wrote.
Helmed by Sam Hargrave, the film will premiere exclusively on Netflix on June 16, 2023.
Released in 2020, `Extraction` was a big hit. It featured black-ops mercenary Tyler Rake (Hemsworth) traveling to Bangladesh to rescue the kidnapped son of a drug lord. At the end of the film, Tyler Rake (Hemsworth) took a bullet to the neck while protecting the child. The climax made fans wonder if Tyler Rake survived.
Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda was also a part of the first installment of the film. Upon its release, the film was viewed on Netflix by an estimated 90 million households.
Chris Hemsworth will reteam with director Sam Hargrave for `Extraction 2` which is produced by Joe and Anthony Russo via their AGBO banner, from a script by `Avengers: Endgame` filmmaker Joe Russo, who also penned the first installment of the film.
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