100% Free ! Complete Java Mega course: Beginner to Expert Learn how to work with Java like a pro with this project-based course!
What you will learn
The essential Java Programming language
How to program in Java professionally
Learn different best practices to apply to different industries
Gain and improve your coding skills
How to build applications and systems performing key operations in areas such as mathematics, finance, sport, science, art, and language
Prepare for interviews by learning key concepts in Java
How to design and develop unique graphical user-interactive software for mobile applications
Practice through individual and teacher-student project-based exercises applied to real-life scenarios
Develop like a pro!
In this day and age, we use technological devices all the time to perform different operations, from online banking, to e-shopping from your favourite stores, and it just makes life easier. Have you ever wondered how these devices are driven to function in the way they do?
If you would like to develop an app, a system, or software that could transform manual operations into a whirl of endless technological solutions, then learning Java programming language today is definitely the way to start.
Whether you are a Java programmer, or learning Java for the first time, there are numerous strategies and techniques in developing software solutions integrated with various subject domains using Java. And we’re here to teach you how.
In this course, you will be learning how to build integrated applications and systems designed to perform key operations in different subject areas, ranging from art, science, and language. You will also be learning how to design and develop a unique graphical user-interactive software that can be used in mobile applications to perform a variety of simultaneous functions that will be accessible to people globally, thanks to Java’s platform-independent nature.
Getting suggestions from users about any technological solution is the most essential step in enhancing the prosperity of developed software, and as such you will be learning how this could be made possible while exploring Java´s object-oriented characteristic throughout this course.
Each lesson contains interactive programming slides which provide you with tons of knowledge about the topic, including various instructor-student project-based exercises, as well as individual project-based exercises presented in each lesson. Each exercise not only touches on different subjects globally, but is also accompanied by explainable solutions per lesson. While there are lots of benefits to gain from enrolling in this course, catering to your needs by providing easy-to-follow dynamic video lessons throughout the process of learning has been the notion used in the development and overall design of this course. Finally, the course has been designed and put together by an experienced software engineer and computer science instructor with years of experience in the field. That’s why this is the only Java course you’ll ever need to start programming like a pro!
Start your programming journey today!
After taking this course, you will be able to:
- Work professionally with Java
- Demonstrate your knowledge of Java programming
- Develop user-interactive softwares
- Code professionally in Java
- Find creative solutions to problems of different fields
English language
Content of course :
The Basics of Java Programming Language
Data Types
Classes and Objects Pt. 1
Classes and Objects Pt. 2
Scanner Class Pt. 1
Scanner Class Pt. 2
Access Modifiers Pt. 1
Access Modifiers Pt. 2
Access Modifiers Pt. 3
Print Statements – The Art of Commentary Pt. 1
Print Statements – The Art of Commentary Pt. 2
Print Statements – The Art of Commentary Pt. 3
Print Statements – The Art of Commentary Pt. 4
Develop an E-waiter Menu Collector Pt. 1
Develop an E-waiter Menu Collector Pt. 2
Develop an E-NBA Draft Combine Measurement Recorder Pt. 1
Develop an E-NBA Draft Combine Measurement Recorder Pt. 2
Operators and Conditional used in Java
Conditionals Pt. 1
Conditionals Pt. 2
Conditionals Pt. 3
Operators in Java Pt. 1
Operators in Java Pt. 2
Operators in Java Pt. 3
Develop a BMI Calculator to Analyse One’s Basic Health Pt. 1
Develop a BMI Calculator to Analyse One’s Basic Health Pt. 2
Develop an E-space Information System using the Human Weight and Age Pt. 1
Develop an E-space Information System using the Human Weight and Age Pt. 2
Develop an E-space Information System using the Human Weight and Age Pt. 3
Develop an E-company Performance Analyzer Pt. 1
Develop an E-company Performance Analyzer Pt. 2
Develop an E-company Performance Analyzer Pt. 3
Developing Interactive Gui for Users, Loop Structures, and Control Statements in
ANSI Colour Codes, ASCII Code, For Loops, While Loops & Do While Loops Pt. 1
ANSI Colour Codes, ASCII Code, For Loops, While Loops & Do While Loops Pt. 2
ANSI Colour Codes, ASCII Code, For Loops, While Loops & Do While Loops Pt. 3
ANSI Colour Codes, ASCII Code, For Loops, While Loops & Do While Loops Pt. 4
Develop an ISBN 13 Check Digit Generator & DNA Hamming Distance E-spotter Pt. 1
Develop an ISBN 13 Check Digit Generator & DNA Hamming Distance E-spotter Pt. 2
Develop E-ATM Machine & E-golf Scoring System Pt. 1
Develop E-ATM Machine & E-golf Scoring System Pt. 2
Develop E-ATM Machine & E-golf Scoring System Pt. 3
The Java Lang & Utility Package
Math and Random Classes
Develop a Pythagorean Calculator
Develop a PH Scale Analyzer Pt. 1
Develop a PH Scale Analyzer Pt. 2
Random Number Guessing Game
Sound Frequency Measuring System
Calculating the Aircraft Lift
The Mathoria Quizzer Pt. 1
The Mathoria Quizzer Pt. 2
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 1
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 2
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 3
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 4
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 5
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 6
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 7
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 8
StringBuilder, Wrapper, Robot, and Clipboard & StringSelection Classes Pt. 9
Canvas Class + Develop the SOH CAH TOA trigonometric calculator Pt. 1
Develop the SOH CAH TOA Trigonometric Calculator Pt. 2
Develop the SOH CAH TOA Trigonometric Calculator Pt. 3
Develop the SOH CAH TOA Trigonometric Calculator Pt. 4
Develop the SOH CAH TOA Trigonometric Calculator Pt. 5
The Quadratic Equation Root Finder Pt. 1
The Quadratic Equation Root Finder Pt. 2
The Quadratic Equation Root Finder Pt. 3
The Quadratic Equation Root Finder Pt. 4
The Quadratic Equation Root Finder Pt. 5
Last Words
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